Pledge Card - FNB

Donation Method
Fair Share
.5% of your annual salary will be evenly divided over your pay periods - THANK YOU!
Fair Share Plus
1% of your annual salary will be evenly divided over your pay periods - THANK YOU!
Payroll Deduction
Check Donation
Make checks payable to United Way of Reno County. Please give the check to your Campaign Coordinator within 24 hours of this pledge.
Cash Donation
Please give your cash donation to your Campaign Coordinator within 24 hours of this pledge.
Bill Me Details
Credit Card Donation

After completing this form you will be redirected to our payment page where you will be able to process your transaction in a secured environment. Please be sure to enter the same values that you have entered on this form. Thank you!

Total Annual Contribution
Donation Notes
My signature below, confirms my pledge as stated above.