Our board members are dedicated leaders committed to strengthening our community. In this section, you'll learn more about what inspires Tyler to serve on the United Way of Reno County board and his vision for the future of our organization.
What motivates you to serve on the board of United Way of Reno County?
The impact that UWRC has on our community is massive. Whether we are talking about childcare, poverty, housing insecurity, education, or family finances, UWRC has a reach that is hard to attain. I want to be a part of the work that UWRC is doing throughout Reno County.
What’s one local cause or issue in Reno County that you're particularly passionate about?
Housing insecurity is something that I feel strongly about finding ways to make progress with. The unhoused community in Hutchinson is much larger than most residents would believe and our ability to make any kind of meaningful impact on this issue has never been stronger. Through my work with Horizons, I get to be a very active part of helping solve some of these problems and I look forward to seeing how UWRC can continue to be an active collaborator in those efforts.
What do you believe is the biggest impact that United Way can have in our community?
UWRC is so good at being the 'tie-point' for different community partners. Sometimes those partners are too close to issues to be able to see workable solutions. UWRC does a great job of coming in and allowing a perspective that is zoomed out enough that those partners are able to see a new ability to work together! This is a huge asset to our community and to these partnerships.
What’s your favorite way to spend a Saturday in Reno County?
My wife and I have loved getting donuts from Dough-Co on a Saturday morning, or going to the Hutchinson Zoo, or even just loading up and going thrifting to various thrift stores throughout town.
What's a moment or experience during your time with United Way that has left a lasting impression on you?
Watching UWRC's involvement with the Unhoused discussion and the Stepping Up Council has been such a testament to me about the value of their partnership and their ability to bring new perspective that is so desperately needed in conversations. On top of that, the Reno Connections program has been such a valuable asset to the community. There are so many services that Hutchinson can provide, but organizations need to charge for those services in order to operate as a business. For UWRC to come in and provide a social supports service to our community and have that be at no cost to the individual has been tremendously helpful to our community.
How do you like to give back to your community outside of your role with United Way?
Prior to serving on the UWRC board, I was given the opportunity be on the board for Milestone Clubhouse. It's been a great privelege of mine to get to see the Clubhouse grow from it's infancy to what it is today, and to get to be a part of early development of the Clubhouse as well as the ongoing development as it's grown. I love being a part of new initiatives and seeing the community come together to solve very specific problems.